Sunday, September 4, 2016

Rebecca Mahan

Rebecca Mahan

The VOTE program is a new approach for law enforcement and or any person who responds to help those involved in situations of domestic violence. Any person who reads the book will gain insight and techniques that will also help their own relationships. This program was 97% effective for law enforcement the first year after implementation and remained at 95% or above for 8 more years where law enforcement did not return to those homes.

Rebecca Mahan creator and author of V.O.T.E., Victims Overcoming Traumatic Events has been employed for almost 10 years as a law enforcement officer and spent almost 20 years in studying domestic violence and working with victims of various traumatic events. Rebecca has combined her knowledge and experience to create a successful program for those exposed to these type of events. Rebecca has been a columnist for almost 8 years and her education includes:Associates degrees in: Christian Studies; General Business Management; General Studies; and Law Enforcement; Bachelor’s degrees in: Church Ministry and Occupational Studies, Vocational Arts and a Master’s degree in: Biblical Studies. Certificates in Mediation and Domestic Violence also add to her expertise. Podcast of the interview Download:

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