TOPIC-Two Teens Arrested In New Jersey 12-Year Old Autumn Pasquale's Death - Legal POV Included
POV of Attorney Greg Gianforcaro regarding two teen boys arrested in New Jersey for the death of 12-year-old Autumn Pasquale Despite the ages of these boys (ages 17 and 15 respectively) who allegedly killed 12 year old Autumn Pasquale, they will almost definitely be charged as adults. In New Jersey a minor may be charged as an adult if given the severity of the crime and facts of the case, can they be rehabilitated by the time they turn the age of 19 (not 18 years of age). If they cannot be rehabilitated by then, then they can be charged, tried and sentenced as if they were adult criminal defendants. Given the fact that, if what is alleged to be true is in fact true, then these boys acted with such cold disregard for this young child's life (given that they allegedly killed her for nothing more than to obtain parts from her bicycle), I am quite sure that the court will not feel that these boys cannot be rehabilitated by the time they turn the age of 19. It would seem that these boys did not show any remorse after the fact because after allegedly killing this poor young child in cold blood, they only made their situation worse by trying to cover-up their crime and dispose of the body in a dumpster hoping that it would be inconspicuously picked up by some garbage truck and be hauled away thereby never leaving any trace of their crime. These boys are in a lot of trouble and it may very likely end up with these boys spending several decades in a New Jersey State Prison before they will ever see their freedom again.
Date Recorded: 10/5/2012
Story link: Site
Podcast of the interview Download: