Thursday, August 22, 2013

Becky Pringle, the Secretary-Treasurer of the National Education Association

Becky Pringle, the Secretary-Treasurer of the National Education Association

TOPIC-A recent survey by the National Education Association (NEA), the country's largest educators' union, and Parenting magazine finds that parent-teacher relationships are an essential element to student success. As a matter of fact, 88% of parents say their children's teachers are good partners. In the same token, the same survey stated that 84% of parents say teachers are effective at disciplining the students; but only 49% of teachers say parents are good at enforcing rules.

Becky Pringle, the Secretary-Treasurer of the National Education Association, the largest educator union in the country, and a classroom teacher of over 30 years, will be available to discuss more findings for the NEA-Parenting Magazine Survey and provide listeners with some tips on how parents can help their child succeed at school year round:

Maintain a routine: Children need structure and consistency
Meet the teachers: Parents can tell teachers about their child's interests and hobbies to establish a personal connection and build a strong relationship throughout the year
Keep fun books on the shelves: Research shows reading helps ensure long-term academic success. So in addition to assigned reading, encourage children to continue leisure reading because a good reader is someone who reads early and often.

About the NEA
The National Education Association is the nation's largest professional employee organization, representing more than 3 million elementary and secondary teachers, higher education faculty, education support professionals, school administrators, retired educators, and students preparing to become teachers.

Podcast of the interview Download:

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