Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Romney/Ryan Middle Class

Malcolm out loud

TOPIC-Mitt Romney has chosen his running mate, Paul Ryan, and has launched his "Romney Plan for a Stronger Middle Class' bus tour.

The weekend announcement heralds the platform of presumptive Republican nominee, which looks to unite the party and reform the failing economy. The Ryan choice as the nominee for Vice President will all but guarantee that the budget and deficit reduction will be forefront in the campaign.

Malcolm Out Loud is a national news and political commentator and the host of the WebTV channel www.MalcolmOutLoud.TV, home of his news magazine. He is also a published author, speaker and the talent behind a daily radio feature, the Out Loud Minute.
Every day Malcolm leads an assault on mediocrity, constantly inspiring others to get Out Loud in every aspect of their lives.

Date Recorded: 04/3/2012
SITE: Site

Podcast of the interview Download:

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