Thursday, October 8, 2015

Lisa Rehfuss

Lisa Rehfuss

Molly and Buttercup, Postcards from the Bed and the Shed

Hi! For the past 18 years I've written a children's column, Molly and Buttercup, Postcards from the Bed and the Shed, for Hopscotch Magazine. The publisher informs me this remains their readers favorite column. While I continue to write the column, I decided to launch a postcard subscription. Subscribers receive two postcards a month from the beloved characters. These safe pen pals for children 6-12 years old encourage reading, writing, empathy for others, concentration to sit and compose correspondence to the characters, etc. Each postcard sent is addressed personally to the child (remember the first time you received mail addressed personally to you?) and every correspondence received (subscriber or not) is personally answered. We're all about promoting good reading and writing skills. Check out the website: and please don't hesitate to ask any questions. It's an unusual product....warm regards Lisa
Date Recorded: 10/23/2013
SITE: Site

Podcast of the interview Download:

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