Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Peggy Sue Wells

Peggy Sue Wells

The Slave Across the Street by PeggySue Wells and Theresa Flores. The true story of an upscale Detroit teen caught up in sex trafficking. What does this crime look like from the inside? In your own community? What can you do to protect your loved ones?

The great connector, PeggySue Wells is the author of more than a dozen books and her articles appear nationally in magazines. An international speaker, she served as Advisory Board member for Remedy.fm, and championed the Tweener Time International Teen Writing, Art, and Song Writing competition. She is a member of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Christian Performing Artists Fellowship, and the Christian Writers Guild. In addition to penning novels and non-fiction books, she ghostwrites, writes curriculum and screenplays, conducts young author workshops at schools, and presents interactive workshops for colleges and national conferences. PeggySue connects authors with publishers, crafts publisher-ready proposals, and edits fiction and non-fiction. A columnist, PeggySue has earned awards for her news and feature stories. Early in her writing career, she was recognized for the most misleading headline, a favorite smile-inducing merit and conversation starter.
Date Recorded: 9/20/2013
SITE: Site

Podcast of the interview Download:

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