Thursday, August 15, 2013

Guest Opportunity: Paul Antinori - Constitutional Expert and Author of "CONVENTION: To Resurrect The US Constitution"

Paul Antinori

TOPIC-The United Nations will be voting soon on a gun control treaty.

The one thing to remember as the media spins the talk around this treaty is that no treaty can nullify any Constitutional Right, privilege or immunity of any American citizen. Misinformed politicians and media will attempt to argue that the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution permits a treaty to supersede the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

The Constitution empowers the Congress to regulate foreign commerce; meaning that Congress can pass a law that would regulate the foreign sale and import of firearms. Congress cannot however pass a law that prevents Americans from owning guns. "A common sense understanding of the U.S. Constitution together with Supreme Court pronouncements since the 1950's confirms that no treaty made by the Executive Branch and ratified in due course by the Senate could ever override or preempt any of the Bill of Rights or any other clause in the Constitution. In other words the Constitution itself is "supreme" over the Supremacy Clause."

By calling for a Constitutional Convention, and having a curative amendment to the Supremacy clause would solidify against this argument for future generations.

Meet Paul Antinori

Author of "CONVENTION: To Resurrect The US Constitution"
Constitutional Expert
Veteran Trial Lawyer with over 50 years of experience in both federal and state trial courts and appellate courts throughout the United States
Elected to the office of State Attorney for the 13th Circuit of Florida in 1964 and successfully prosecuted high profile cases
Member of the Maritime Law Association of New York

Date Recorded: 8/22/2012
SITE: Site

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